Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Smelly Onion

Age: 4-12

Materials Needed: None

Approximate Time: 15 minutes

Amount of space: A small/medium amount of space is needed to play this game

Gather the kids and have them sit in a circle. Assign each kid either ketchup, mustard, or relish (go around in the circle and tap their heads and say “ketchup”, “mustard”, “relish”). Call out one of the condiments. Then everyone that is that condiment stands up and runs around the circle to get back to their seat. The goal is to get back to your seat first. The last one back to their seat is the smelly onion and they have to sit in the middle of the circle. The smelly onions stay in the middle until the game is over. To end the game you shout hot dog and everyone gets up and forms a new circle. After this you may begin a new round.

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